
myAvatar(1)Hello! My name is Sindelle. I am writing this blog to share my discoveries, interests, and ideas with you.

Rocks, sand, dirt, and minerals are my main tools in the craft but I also use candle magic. I adore my tarot and oracle cards as well as my pendulum (dowsing).

I am a solitary witch. My whole life I knew there was something unique about me and my love for witchcraft was covered up for a long time because I was in denial of magic’s existence in reality. I thought, until about 4 years ago, that only the movie magic could happen otherwise it was fake or a lie… yep that as wrong!

The first major thing I did was heal my mother of several serious health issues with the use of a spell. That is when I opened my eyes to the reality: All the ghosts I saw were real, the miraculous healing I did on my own body was real, and more.

I hope you find joy in my blog, some ideas, or whatever you get from it. Enjoy!

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